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School success goes hand in hand with good attendance. All students are expected at school every day, before 9:00 am. 

Consistent and punctual school attendance is essential to a student’s educational success. Keeping a child out of school for any reason, other than infectious  illness, affects the continuity of their school experience.  The ritual of the school day builds community and comfort, and arriving late or missing school altogether disrupts the routines so important to productive learning.

Absence Protocol

If you know your child will be absent from school, please inform the front office prior to 8:50am:

Call (207) 874-8175

  • If the front office does not receive any notification when a student is absent, the school will call the parents/guardian to ensure the safety of the child. 
  • When a parent is not reached, the absence is recorded as “unexcused”. 
  • When your child is absent, please also expect a phone call or text from your classroom teacher or school counselor. Our staff works hard to have open communication and build relationships with students and parents. We miss your child when she is not here!
  • When a student is at risk of becoming “chronically absent” (missing 10% of school days), his parent/guardian  may receive communication from school social workers or Lead Teachers.
  • Students with perfect and excellent attendance are acknowledged at a school assembly each trimester.  

Excused Absences

Excused Absences are OK! If your child will be absent please contact the school office prior to 8:50 AM

Make sure you call, text or email the school staff to let us know when your child will be absent. If you do not talk to us, we cannot excuse the absence. They do not count against your child in their attendance record.

Unexcused Absences

Unexcused absences are not okay and they do have consequences. Students who accumulate 7 full days or 5 consecutive days of unexcused absences will be considered truant. We call the parent or guardian every day that a student is absent. Every effort will be made to work with the family to ensure consistency of daily attendance.  

Please note, upon review and determination that a child is truant, the school is required to notify the Superintendent. We are required to work with families with truant students  to create a plan and make improvements. 

Learning happens every day and we all want your student to be in school, learning with their classmates.